Revolution for Renaissance
Dates:May 24 (Wed.)-27 (Sat.),2023
Conference Chairman:Masayuki Hirata, MD, PhD, MEng(Professor, Department of Neurological Diagnosis and Restoration, Osaka University)

ISACM and JBBS will be offered in a hybrid mode (both in-person and remote participation). In-person participation highly recommended for speakers and session chairs. We look forward to seeing you in Osaka.
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline
February 28, 2023⇒ March 6, 2023 noon(JST: UTC+0900)
⇒ March 13, 2023 noon(JST: UTC+0900)- Early Bird Registration deadline
March 17, 2023
⇒ April 3, 2023 23:59(JST: UTC+0900)- Late registration deadline
- May 27, 2023
- 2023/04/28
- "General Information" Page was updated.
(Information for Participants / Executive Members / Speakers / Chairpersons, Floor plan of the venue)
- 2023/04/05
- Gala dinner絶賛申し込み受付中です。Registrationページに詳細情報追加いたしましたので、多数のお申込み、お待ちしております。
Registration for Gala dinner is now open.
We have added detailed information to the registration page, and look forward to receiving many applications.
- 2023/03/17
- 日本生体磁気学会大会 抄録原稿アップロードを開始いたしました。
Deadline for Early Bird Registration has been extended until April 3, 2023 23:59(JST: UTC+0900).
- 2023/03/06
- Deadline for abstract submission has been extended until March 13, 2023 noon(JST: UTC+0900)
- 2023/02/28
- Deadline for abstract submission has been extended until March 6, 2023 noon(JST: UTC+0900)
- 2023/02/14
- Access/Hotel/Restaurant information has been added to the "Travel and Transportation" page.
- 2023/02/01
- The sponsorship brochure was updated. The venue was changed to Osaka University Nakanoshima Center. Also, now we still offer a chance to apply for sponsorship.
- 2023/01/26
- "Registration" and "Abstract Submission" pages have been opened.
Discounted rates are applicable for applicants with valid memberships with ISACM.
* Please renew your ISACM membership before making registration to attend the meeting.
Click 【here】 to join/renewal.
- 2022/12/20
- The venue has been changed to Osaka University Nakanoshima Center.
- 2022/07/04
- ISACM and JBBS 2023 OSAKA webpage has been opened.