Special Issue of Molecular Simulation as the Proceedings of the Conference

The Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a Special Issue of Molecular Simulation with Yuko OKAMOTO of Nagoya University as guest editor.

Deadline for submission of manuscripts is January 31, 2014.

The maximum length of manuscripts should be about 10 printed pages for invited talks and about 5 printed pages for poster presentations.

Please consult the following site for Instructions for authors:

Please follow the following steps to submit a manuscript.
Log in at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jenmol.
Click "Corresponding Author Centre".
Click "here" in "Click here to submit a new manuscript".
Fill in the lines as instructed.
Especially, in 4 Reviewers and Editors, select OKAMOTO, Yuko in "Add an Editor", and click "Designate as Preferred Editor".
In 5 Details & Comments, select "Yes" in "Is the manuscript a candidate for a special issue?" type "ICMS2013-Kobe" in "If yes, specify special issue:"