Award Winners
Ohtsuka Award (ISNAC Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist 2023)
- 1O-01
- Dr. Samuel Hauf (Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Control of Nucleic Acid Phase Separation using Aptamers
- 1O-07
- Dr. Masahito Inagaki (Graduate School of Sciences, Nagoya University)
Development of PureCap Method Toward Synthesis of Fully Capped Messenger RNA by In Vitro Transcription
- 1O-08
- Dr. Yuuhei Yamano (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University)
Abasic site generation in nucleic acids by photo- catalytic reaction
ISNAC Outstanding Poster Award 2023
- 1P-35
- Dr. Yusuke Fujiwara (SANKEN, Osaka University, JST, CREST)
Temporal Control of Repeat RNA Phase Transitions Induced by Photoswitchable RNA-binding Ligands
- 1P-38
- Mr. Shiyu Wang (Division of Chemistry, Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki)
Unusual topological RNA G-quadruplex formed by an RNA duplex: implications for the dimerization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA
- 1P-48
- Ms. Hongyu Zhu (Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)
Intracellular visualization of interaction between anti-miRNA oligonucleotide and its target miRNA
- 1P-55
- Ms. Emi Miyashita (Center for iPS cells Research and Application, Kyoto University, 2xFOREST Therapeutics)
BIVID-MaP identifies allele-specific interaction between small-molecule and RNA structure