
c/o Nippon Travel Agency
Co.,Ltd. Kyoto Shijo Branch
Nissay Bldg. 2F, 103-1 Tachiurinakano-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi Kyoto 600-8006 Japan

Extended Abstract

Extended Abstract Submission Instruction

  1. Deadline for Extended abstract submission:  17 September, 2021.
  2. Who to submit an extended abstract: 
    The corresponding author whose abstract has been accepted.
  3. Proceeding Policy
    Proceedings are not published.
    But the accepted extended abstracts book in PDF will be distributed to the participants by USB.
  4. Requirements: The following standards are required for the extended abstract.
    1. Page number restriction is 2 pages, and it should be submitted in PDF.
    2. Sufficient contents based on highly qualified science and technology
    3. Correctness of the contents
    4. Appropriate description (not containing excessive propaganda on products and technology, 
          slander to the others and so on)
    5. Style of the manuscript which follows the specifications in the template
  5. Please find and follow the guidelines/template attached.
  6. All presenters are required to register for Early Bird registration to secure a presentation.